You Might Can't Come Back
You Might Can't Come Back: Essays Written By 826NYC Students at P.S. 316 Elijah Stroud Elementary is a travel guide in the form of an anthology of short essays where students offer portraits of the special places that comprise their worlds.
The essays are rich with poetic details, scientific facts, and loving tributes to spots in the United States (from Prospect Park to California), around the globe (with stops in the Caribbean, the Maldives, Montenegro, Paris, Malawi, Yemen, and Japan) and spanning the universe (lunch time near Saturn, dinner in the far reaches of the Rainbow Galaxy).
Join them on an adventure across our "round and chaotic world".
Proceeds from the sale of this book benefit 826NYC, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting students, ages six to eighteen, with their creative and expository writing skills, and to helping teachers inspire their students to write.
This book is also available as a downloadable interactive PDF.